Monday, October 3, 2011

Weekend Food Highlight

Thought I should share a quick weekend food highlight with you.

I had an afternoon out with my Mum and Gran on Sunday. We enjoyed lots of cups of tea with a fabulous meringue. But the real food highlight was popping into Overton Farm Shop. I bought, among other things, a Romanesco. This interesting and beautiful vegetable is a cross between a Cauliflower and a Brocoli and I love them. I steamed it and ate it with a delicious Lamb Gigot Chop and some Roast Potatos (inspired by A Wee Bit of Cooking).

What was your weekend food highlight?

PS I love Overton Farm Shop! Great selection of vegetables and meats.


  1. I don't always see romanesco at the shops, but your post is nudging me to buy one the next time I do. :D

  2. @leaf thank you kindly for commenting on this blog.

    I think I've only ever bought Romanesco from this particular farm shop. I've never seen them in the supermarkets of the UK. Shame they taste much better than Cauliflower or Broccoli.

    Glad I've nudged you to buy one.

    Laura x
